Future Glebe and Forest Lodge panel discussionFuture Glebe panellists (L to R), Jess Scully (City of Sydney Councillor), Tone Wheeler (local architect and author), Ken Burgin (hospitality consultant, ex-Glebe Chamber President), Verity Firth (President Glebe Society), Philip Yan (Community health care and new resident) and Aunty Millie Ingram (local Indigenous elder) with Moderator Jane Singleton (far right).

This discussion looked at the key future needs of Glebe/Forest Lodge in the next 10 years – the challenges and the opportunities.

Moderator: Jane Singleton – long term resident of Glebe, with a distinguished career in Australian broadcasting in both public broadcasting and commercial media. She had been a Walkley award judge and has been Vice-President of the Australian Journalist Association.

Jess Scully (City of Sydney Councillor)
Tone Wheeler (Architect, Author and Consultant)
Ken Burgin (Hospitality Consultant and Trainer)
Verity Firth (President Glebe Society)
Philip Yan (Health Care Professional and new resident)
Aunty Millie Ingram (local Indigenous elder)

The format was based on the ABC’s The Drum, with a focus on three key areas that we can influence locally: heritage, environment and community. The panel explored a range of key issues and heard from the views of a diverse range of locals.

Jane Singleton did a mighty job of moderating the Future Glebe and Forest Lodge panel. The focus was on Glebe in the next three to ten years, looking at the Glebe Society’s pillars of ‘Community, Heritage and Environment.’ Ted McKeown introduced the session. The session raised key issue and provided leadership for thought on the future direction needed.

The input of video perspectives provided by five locals: Kate Fellows (Glebe Chamber); Kate Brennan (Co-ordinator Glebe Treehouse); Janese Rosewall (3rd generation Glebe resident); Brian Fuller (Convenor, Glebe Society Heritage Subcommittee) and Danielle Cahokia (self-employed, three years Glebe resident). These perspectives were recorded by Phil Young and provided the panel with a wide range of views on key challenges and opportunities to consider.

Issues and ideas raised at this forum will feed into the process to develop Glebe Society’s next three-year plan (2020-2022).

Photos of the Event